Daily Words

by Friday Jones

Friday in a pink beret and a blue dress, cartoon version.

The Site

Yes, this does look very similar to OurCafe, but in terms of coding is an evolution from that work.

You'll note that in bottom We say that We believe in simple websites, and this is true in terms of presentation, but this site has seveal features designed to enhance navigation.

It is also more responsive that OurCafe, and should fit in the phone pleasantly. Please write to me if you find that the performance of you device is less than satisfactory. We can't promise to reply to all emails, but I will read them and take account of what is said.

The site is constructed with PHP, HTML, CSS and Javascript. It will be noted We do not collect any data, nor place any cookies. It may desirable to have a placekeeper cookie in the future. We will say here if We decide that is a good idea.

Most of the material here is still no proofread properly. We haven't the patience for it. Stories will get proofread as We read them out on our podcast.

In order to facilitate rapid uploading and editing, the stories are now stored as Markdown and translated into HTML. This means that we can rapidly upload stories without writing HTML on a daily basis. We've got other things to do. There is no database, which We feel is an unacceptable overhead, particularly Wordpress, which We were using before. We might facilitate direct download of the stories in the future for rendering on mobile devices offline.

We'll be using the same method in the near future for the autogenerated pages in Mission, as we write many auto generated pages for that website. The pages can be edited afterwards and Markdown is a convenient way of doing this.

As stated, We believe in simplicity for websites where appropriate, that means here and all three currently extant websites, and the simple format is the brand We've been looking for.



Site Design by Friday Jones.  Coded by Hand in vanilla HTML, CSS and JavaScript, for a better web experience.

No data is collected, we'll let you know if that changes.

We believe in simplicity for websites. Write to Friday about the site at aniakovas@gmail.com